Wednesday, November 08, 2006


From everyone lately. I just read Fiona Taylor's comment and cried. I know one mum that had cards made to give people when her little one was commented on, I just don't have the energy, when did we start judging and condeming people instead of helping them. I remember one time I was shopping, Riley was in the harness and Alec was walking, he would have been all of two and Riley about 12 weeks old, this wonderful lady came and asked if I needed help. She must have been 75 and she offered to do my shopping with me, I must have looked tragic, I should have said yes. I remember that lady every time I see some poor woman stuggling with her kids and I have offered help, it always gets turned down, I think we are out of the habit of accepting and giving help and are suspicious of those that offer which is such a shame.

I wasn't suspicious of that lovely lady i just didn't want to admit to someone or myself that I wasn't coping and I needed help.

In the last year I have been touched by peoples kindness. One of the kindy mums came up to me one day at the beginning of second term when Alec had started EI and she offered to watch Riley while I took Alec as it was a 2 hour session so over a three and a half hour trip, so she would take Riley home with her after kindy and Alec and I would go off to our session. These are the things that save our lives.

My other lifesavers and my mum and dad, they take Riley on Tuesdays and Thursdays while we have EI sessions, it makes an amazing difference and Riley gets lots of attention, he is going through a jealous phase right now and isn't happy with any attention Alec is getting, with Alec you just have to drop everything and come, go, watch or listen when he calls.

ok the day is slipping away, the boys are at daycare and I have very little to show for myself today. Another thing I need to do, lower my expectations of myself! The world wont end if i climb into bed and read a book or watch a movie instead of cleaning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry Alli, didn't mean to make you cry! Last thing you need I'm sure.

Autism SA hand out cards to parents of Children with ASD's so that we can give them to anyone that is being judgemental. I carry them with me, but generally (and I'm sure people realise this and hence feel brave enough to roll eyes, nudge each other, grunt and even hmpfh) I am far too busy dealing with the meltdown and getting Danyon the hell out of there, to pause for a session of leaflet distribution. I'm thinking of getting T-shirts made instead.