Monday, November 13, 2006

Every time I come here i cry!

Thank you Libby! As I write this I also learn so much. To be honest until the start of 4th term I hadn't really cried at all, now I do all the time. I made this blog to wrtie down whatever it was that came into my head and so far it is working, the crying wasn't expected.

I was talking to another Centre mum and we found we had the same worries and concerns, you see 4th term is when aide applications go in and decisions have to be made about schooling. Both our boys are going into pre-primary, the standard worries are, have we done enough, is this the right thing for them and us and is there anything else we should be doing and then the surprising one was the grief again. I suppose when you have to make these kinds of decisions it brings it back home to you that your child and your family aren't ever going to be like everyone else. This again makes me realise that we also don't have it that bad which I know but I also decided I was in no way going to belittle our situation based on the severity or lack there of , of Alec's condition.

I love the feedback, I like knowing I am not alone in all this, so Lib if you have comeback thank you, thank you for reading and being honest and not being offended

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! x :-)