Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Day Care

How do you explain to a 3 and 4 and 1/2 year old that they can't take their brand new sunglasses they love because some snotty nosed little gremlin is going to steal them. We have lost a spiderman doll and a spiderman hat that goes with Riley's costume, I begged and pleaded with him where I should have just taken it and pretended i couldn't hear the screams as I walked out the door, but no I let him take it and it was stolen, but I want to know where the parents are in all this, did you ever once stop and think maybe you should retun it.

I'm not overly thrilled with the day care but finally after being at this new centre almost a year Riley finally stops telling people he hates daycare, Alec on the other hand does so well at daycare, i saw him this morning sticking up for himself as they were unpacking the outside toys, he requested a green bike and then some other child said no I want it give it to me and started standing infront of Alec blocking him, Alec got the green bike though.

We have speech and OT at the centre tomorrow then friday start our first social skills session with Chris at Nothern Suburbs Speech. I am having the OT look at Alec tomorrow as he is a bit stiffer and his movement when he runs is jerky, he has had a bad week and this could all be part of it, not processing pain like others makes it hard for him to let us know when something is wrong. Things like sharp pain from a fall or knock really distresses him because he isn't sure what it is.

Well I am having an easy day today, might do some picking up, or I might not! we will see.


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good session of speech, OT and social skills. Keep your eye on the big picture. I remember getting so down when we didn't have the best sessions but looking back I think I was focusing on the step by step too much and not looking up enough. High school has been really tough for my son and there are days when I worry so much about his future that I think I am driving myelf insane and just stressing him out more. The I stop myself and say "you know what? My son is a nice guy and that's more than can be said for a lot of teenagers out there!"

Anonymous said...

Hey Alli have you heard of the DORE programme? We are a bit sceptical at this stage but they are claiming a great success rate with Asperger's, Dyslexia and ADHD. They are now in Perth. Looks expensive and as I said we are a bit sceptical but we are looking into it. My DH is dyslexic so he is interested for himself as well.