Tuesday, January 30, 2007

When it rains it pours

icky yellowing green stuff.. poor old Riley is sick, vomiting up a storm. We had to have a quick change of plans at 6:30am. Riley was going to mum and dad's and I was bringing Alec to his centre session at 12:30, now Alec has gone to mum and dad's and I am off to the doctor with Riley.

before Alec and Michael left for the bus Alec is coaching Riley on what you do when you 'choke' and how you need to do it in the bucket. Alec then turned to me and said..

'poor poor Riley, choking is awful'

'now you stay there Riley, I am going with dad and Kim is taking me to gym and mummy will look after you'

I so wanted to go to his first centre session for the year, it is good to touch base with the therapists, plus it is a new place, so while Alec knows he is going to a new place he still thinks he is going to gym (OT) so we will see how all that goes, but he got to catch a bus and a train and to see his mutti and Kim so I am hoping dad takes him to the park, it was what he was talking about as he walked out the door.

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