Thursday, March 20, 2008

but they are depending on me

What a thing to hear from a six year old. Alec is sick today, he has been coming down with something for about 10 days now and it finally arrived today. He was meant to me man on roadside with palm frond in the school assembly passion play thingy.

When I said he couldn't go to school he cried and told me he couldn't let down his buddies they were depending on him and he would miss them, we dried the tears and then the alternatives started... maybe if I get another piece of material and put it over my mouth the germs wont be able to come out, isn't that the most gorgeous thing you have ever heard. We still took a photo, the poor thing looks so pale.

The last 2 weeks he has had a few issues at school with noise, he describes them as headaches. What we have arranged with the teachers is a quiet time place, I took in a bean bag and now he has some music to play with headphones while he takes some time out. Some days this has been up to 4 times. I'm hoping with the easter break he gets a good rest and beats this cold fluey thing he has. Hopefully we all recover, every member of the family has a temperature today.


FlipFlop Mom said...

ahhh he's so adorable!!!!! and dedicated it sounds!! Good for him!!
I'm hoping the bean bag chair helps him out... I struggle with chaos ... so I can't even imagine this poor little guy with being sick and noises... He's in my thoughts today!!! Hope everything calms down for you all!!! Ü

neverenoughrubberstamps said...

What a handsome young man! I hope he is feeling better now.

